Turn right (west) onto SR 40 (West Pennsylvania Ave) (0.5 m)
SR 40 bends to right, stay on SR 40 (12.9 m)
In Inglis, stay straight, cross over US 19 and remain on SR 40 (6.4 m)
At destination on left (south).
This location has several areas that could be utilized by kayaks as well as there are substantial boat ramps just a bit further west.
The Trip Coordinator may adjust actual start spot based on public use and tides.
From this launch site we can either go into the Gulf and check out the different spoil islands or we can turn upstream onto Bennet's Creek and travel towards Inglis
Notice the Sailboat Icon. Look for us there first, but depending on other public use we may have to move a bit further down.
A previous route taken to see the spoils, not to say this is exactly how any other trip would go.
And here is a previous excursion on Bennet's Creek.